Experience Needed to Become an Agency Carer or Nurse?

Experience Needed to Become an Agency Carer or Nurse?

Here at Proximity, we see ourselves as somewhat of an international nurse recruitment agency. This is because we work with so many multi-national nurses in the UK already. We know the steps you need to take if you are hoping to be placed with one of our clients. The first of the steps to take upon entering the country and hoping to find work is to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

There are two parts to this process, and it is known as the Test of Competence (ToC). To pass the ToC and ultimately, join the register, you would need to pass an English language exam. So, let’s unpack what this exam is all about, and how much experience we require for you to join our medical recruitment agency in London.

Test of Competence

The first part of the Test of Competence process is to complete a computer-based test, or CBT for short. This test is a multiple-choice test and can be taken from anywhere in the world. Just ensure that you have a secure internet connection, otherwise, you could fail the exam due to connectivity issues. Part 2 of the process entails undergoing a ‘practical objective structured clinical examination’, or OSCE for short. This test needs to be taken in the UK, in one of the five test centres. During the OSCE examination, you essentially undergo 10 tests.

Four sections of this 10-part examination are skills-based, and four are designed to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of assessment, implementation, planning, and evaluation of care, otherwise known as APIE. The final part of this 10-part series is comprised of two silent skills. Finally, the NHS constitutional values as well as the 6Cs of nursing are assessed through the OSCE during all sections of the 10-part test. Take this link to the NHS website hub to get all the information for the ToC, which includes candidate handbooks, test specifications, blueprints, practise tests for the new CBTs, as well as an OSCE prep resource pack.

If want to know about one of the top nursing agencies in the UK, be sure to follow the link in bold!

The Experience Required

Amount of Experience Needed to Become an Agency Carer or Nurse?

These tests can be taken in any order, it’s only important to complete both of them. If you want to join an apex medical recruitment agency, in London, you need to have at least 6 consecutive months of experience in the UK. Because Proximity Healthcare has its fair share of experience with overseas nurse recruitment, we know that it could be hard to get experience at first. It is advisable to join a charity organisation if you are struggling to find employment in the country, just to accumulate the months of referable employment.